To The Aged; Redefine Your Outlook Thru Scripture

As I was reading my bible last night, I wasn’t reading any direct account of this, but I had a lens to see so many elderly people in scripture actually displaying the culmination of God in their lives during this season. Modern American society would have those nearing their elder years to feel comfortable dimming their vision in life, get comfortable in a viewing seat and no longer speaking up.

I want to declare that God has never overlooked someone in the story of His glory based on their age. So many circumstances in your life you endured to test your character, to strip away ego, to round out your wisdom. There has been purpose in every step along the way. If you are viewing yourself as elderly, your impact in God’s kingdom on this earth is not over with and God wants you to know he has not withdrawn his eye from you. The first supernatural encounter we hear of in Moses’ life was when he was 80 years old. Abraham didn’t receive the promise God had given him at a much younger age until the season of bearing offspring (fruit) was over at 100 years.

Do not limit God’s ability to move through your because you are reducing your perspective of his ability due to your age or season in life. He is not limited by your timeline but is limitless in the faithfulness of his promises over your life. There are great adventures in God in store yet for those of you advanced in years. Adventures you have been waiting a lifetime for. Expect God to be supernatural, expect him to move, there are yet new things in God, you are still a child of the king- heir and recipient of everything Christ died to give humanity.

Do not limit your perspective on who he is by looking around you and accepting what society is handing you. This is not your portion. Look to him for what is next in your life and continue to be open to hearing God, stepping out in faith, taking risk, and loving others and yourself extravagantly. This season is gift to be celebrated and embraced fully through the power of his spirit living inside you. You are a blessing to the body of Christ and you are needed in this hour for the fullness of his glory to be seen in His body on the earth.

Scripture Medicine for 2023: Do Not Fray

“All who love me will do what I say.
Anyone who doesn’t love me will not obey me.
I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. (John 14:23, 24, 27 NLT partial)
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” -Jesus (John 14:27 KJV partial)

Let – allow, permit, give admission, authorize, sanction, grant, empower, enable, agree, permit to pass, rent out, let
Not – the negation of, the opposite of a verb
Your – belonging to, possessive, ownership
Heart – the central innermost part of something, the vital essence, the thoughts, the feelings, the mind, center of physical & spiritual wellbeing, seat of understanding, character, the soul, innermost part
Troubled – disturb, worry, anxious, agitate, distress, torment, plague, nag, irritate, gnaw at, prey on someone’s mind, lie heavy on the mind, oppress, weigh down, afflict, burden, bug, bother, fret, agonize, upset oneself, be concerned, hassle, be afflicted with, bedeviled, beset, incapacitated, suffer from, ail, be a martyr to, experiencing distress, anxiety, beset by problems or conflict, a difficult situation or time, a cause of worry, an aspect of something regarded as unsatisfactory or difficulty, cause distress or anxiety to or about
Troubled. Greek 5015. tarassō
1. to agitate, trouble, cause inward commotion, take away calmness of mind, disturb equanimity
2. to disquiet, make restless
3. to strike one’s spirit with fear and dread
4. to render anxious; distressed
5. to perplex the mind by suggesting doubts and scruples

Neither – additional negative statement
Afraid – frightened, scared, fearful, nervous, apprehensive, intimidated, uneasy, alarmed, tense, worried, panicky, frightened, beside oneself, frantic, shaking, cowering, cowardly, funk, nervy, fluster, jumpy, jittery, reluctant, unwilling, hesitant, slow, shy, averse, sorry, sad, distressed, regretful, apologetic, unhappy, remorseful afraid of someone or something, worrying that something undesirable will occur or be done, unwilling or reluctant to do something for fear of outcome, anxious about well-bring or safety of, express polite or formal apology or regret
Afraid. Greek 1168. deliliaō
1. to be timid
2. to be of fear
3. to be fearful
From Greek 1167. deilia
a. timidity, fear, cowardice, fearfulness
From Greek 1169. deilos
a. Dread; that is by implication faithless
Afraid derives from the latin word, Affray – Afrayer, disturbing peace.
Afrayer derives from latin word Fray – Disturbance, startle; the unraveling of peace or safety

Jesus’ commandment to his followers restated in different ways:
Do not permit your heart to be faithless.
Do not allow the peace in your heart that I have given you begin to fray by any mental or emotional agitation or threat.
Do not give room to any thoughts that intimidate the safety I have bought for you with my blood.
Under no circumstance allow your spirit to shaken about anything, ever.
Keep the cords of your peace soundly and stoutly entact. Do not tolerate imaginations that fray your stillness and restfulness.
Be still. Give no permission to agitation within yourself.
Make no allowance or space inside of yourself for any expectation of negative outcomes.
Your faith and focus on myself is what pushes out or eliminates room for cowardess, timidity, or hesitation.
The world does not have the ability to restore or keep your peace. You will not be able to look to a change in your circumstance for stillness and soundness in your spirit in mind. What you need for that I have given you freely but it is up to you to defend, maintain, and enforce the entactness of this gift. Thoughts and feelings that result i this gift beginning to fray are lies that do not originate from the Father that need to be refused and refuted.
You have authority over your own heart to refuse participation and agreement with fear.
Unwavering fixation on Christ in our heart and mind enable the broadband defense, restoration, and maintenance of this kingdom of peace in our inmost being. It cannot be shaken. We are either standing on thoughts of sand or the rock of himself.
It is obedience (worship, expressed love unto Jesus) to no longer tolerate, permit fear to have governance in the core of your being.

This general directive is stated 365 times in the bible.
God is trying to tell us humans something from his perspective as we walk through our lives here on earth.
This year is not an exception. Every generation has needed to hear and heed these words.

May this reflection afford you clarity. Blessing and Happy New Year

Change is in the Air

I promise this piece is not about a new administration, but that new administration is part of what I’m referring to. I love to write about what I observe. Within the last two months there are 8 significant people in my life that are having significant shifts in jobs regarding their long labor of love, destinies, and increase in authority and influence. This is a new season! I observe things but never think about naming them because I know their purpose is as transient as the wind in God’s work in orchestrating the hearts of men. “Upgrade” sounds cheesy and christian dumb but it is all that is coming to mind. I also know that overtime, faithful labor commonly results in reward increase, its just natural in the flow of life, but I’m telling you I don’t talk to a bunch of people and when eight of them are experiencing this how can one miss it?!?

I LOVE change. I love risk. I love the undetermined and the uncertain. It feels like traveling but I don’t even leave town. Ironically we did abruptly leave town to care for some family, but often when there is significant change God peels my whiny-souled fingers from gripping anything tightly and I recognize his hand taking mind and relax once again to rest in watching him work, only aiming to be authentic to myself and what I communicate in the process, being sure to never never never manipulate an outcome. Who wants to be the disappointing Saul as he ascended into leadership? No one. Manipulating the affections of men, feels stinky to my soul and if anything I have to intentionally avoid swinging too much in the opposite direction and not shut down my authenticity in some way.

One thing I do know is that I sure appreciate the verses that relatively say. God is in control over bringing about the calling on your life and the purposes of why you were made. I don’t even know why I’m made or what the point of everything is, but I do know what it feels like to spend my days executing things I am especially competent for or excited about. I hope you are operating in your niche. Don’t worry about what that looked like in past seasons, you’re not meant to carry your yesterday identity into today if God’s not calling for it. I often remember old versions of myself but those illusions don’t exist now. They used to, but are intangible. Just think how much bs I no longer put up with because of this glorious wisdom I came across through grand failure?

All I keep trying to focus on seasons of change like this is operating out of love. What else really matters? God is going to position us where he wants us. There will be challenges that are uncomfortable –that’s called growth by the way. But what can I control? How I interact with people and how I carry my heart regarding people in my internal world. How kind can I be? What does extravagant kindness cost me? Does love really cover all in my life? If so, where doesn’t love cover all in my relationships with other people? Don’t get me wrong, in my tired moments or sensitive areas, I can still be a jerk, but often even that is magnified in my head and is a position of my heart I have to change my mind about because it’s obviously not working, or at the very least, not fun.

If you are going through uncertain change, know you are not alone, there is a wave you are riding that you cannot control, and you have been prepared for this. Take rest in his sovereignty, his plans, and his goodness, whether or not you understand it or whether or not you have the answers you want right now.  Blessings!

What is happening right now?

Let me give you a zoomed out perspective that may offer you someone hope during this time.

  1. I went into the spring of this year knowing God was setting each builder in place, in their callings, in order to fully mobilize the body of Christ this year.
  2. Then COVID-19 happened. The arrangement of destiny placement happened anyway despite of this, and sometimes in part, aided by it.
  3. The wave of restriction that hit our nation in March brought a blanket over every activity not worth fighting to resurrect again. Many things still lay dormant that no one will ever exert the effort and energy to resurrect. Only activities that are pertinent to life and families has endured. Everything that was an old ritual still in motion has fallen away.
  4. You, right now you are placed. Some part of how you have been created is being set in place, is growing beneath the surface, is in the formative stages. You are walking out your destiny today, you are on the path of your destiny today.
  5. If it doesn’t feel great, don’t worry about it. Sometimes we think when we lay ahold of our dreams or purpose everything will be clouds and pillows. Not always so; sometimes exactly the opposite. But there will be growth and growth can be uncomfortable and painful but it will always be worth its reward.
  6. Nothing may comfortable. This is 100% okay. God has every minute (mynoot) detail of society poised and positioned for his glory. Every little hinge and door and window and hallway of culture is intentional. Sickness and disease arn’t intentional, but your lack of ability to trust what you used to is.
  7. God is at peace. He is comfortable with your discomfort and certain in your uncertainty. He’s not doing things happenstancely in your life. When we feel completely dependent on him, it’s because it is real. We ARE completely dependent upon him.
  8. When you are positioned in circumstances that you feel you cannot change, he always retains the ability to change them. This ultimately comes down to his Lordship over your life and how you feel about that. This doesn’t mean joy isn’t set before you or that it is not worth the outcome. On the contrary, its just what your destiny ordered.
  9. You’ve been prepared for this. All that history, all that experience, all that wisdom you’ve been carrying around with you? It is for now.
  10. Your presence in your country matters. That’s why you are there!  Everyday you chose to show up, not let go of kindness, hope for peace, dare to laugh, and love anyway, these all matter…a lot.

I never have answers, only inklings. The course of a world is being altered at this time before our very eyes. We no longer can see our future anymore clearly through the lens of where we’ve come from.

Everything is about relationship. The fastest advancing front of the kingdom in this hour is family, even helped in-part by COVID circumstances. Everything God does is unshakable and preservable. You are a living collection of a lifetime of experiences of love that came in so many forms and fashions. You have experienced kindness and have the ability to continue to give it without condition.

Despite any trouble around you, he is oh so kind, oh so near, oh so excited about you just as you are. He never postpones delighting in you. I hope you feel connection with him despite any lack of understanding or confusion about what’s going on around you. He is not cold or harsh, he is not hurting you, or abrasive.

Nothing that happens for the remainder of this year has not been foreseen by him. Nothing that happens in the next two months will catch God off-guard or cause him to come off kilter. He is firmly placed, unmovable, unshakeable. Not only is he not undeterred, he is expectant and confident. He has seen the end from the very beginning. He is so good at conducting the orchestra of time and humanity.

You are hedged in by blessing right now and beloved of the Lord. Trust is the road that will bring you to the resting place of peace.
